View Profile vannila-guerilla

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Too may things I didn't understand. Why the hell did the guy have a tan line where a wedding ring would be? Is he cheating or recently divorced? Why was he holding his fingers up so they could talk to each other? Ah well, wasn't bad at all. I enjoyed it.

laneyboy007 responds:

The Tan is for a later story and as far as holding his hand up this the world of CARTOON my friend.

As much as I admire the animation, I truly did not enjoy this. I know I will get negative feed back from this, but I don't mean to be rude by this. It just wasn't very funny and feels like a lot of other things I have watched.

Okay, funny, but some of the slides that had dialogue went too fast and I couldn't read it. Not all, but there were some. Also, there should be a play button instead of it being on a loop.

fnrevolution responds:

i guess next time instead of doing the dialogue in one take i sound do each on separately so that way some of the pictures are not rushed, so that way my audience may read it. and i should have used the newgrounds upload play button, and that you for the helpful review vg!

I would say it wasn't bad. At first I thought it was stupid until the end. I don't want to ruin it for anyone, so I won't say why.

Not a bad video, I must admit.

"Hello there sweet beaks"

It's hard to make me laugh, that line did it.

Nice animation and well written.


May not be the best uploaded today, but it's the best I have seen so far. It's a great display of animation.

Beefy-Ninja responds:

Thank you :D


This was full of plot holes and spelling errors.

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