View Profile vannila-guerilla

143 Movie Reviews

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While by no means a great animation, it was certainly better than I thought it was going to be. I thought this was going to be an easy blam, but you did a decent job here. I'm actually impressed given the subject matter, so I'm granting an extra half-star in my review.

My only complaint is I think this would have been better in black and white with red being the only visible color. I'm sure some people will disagree, but it's only a minor thing.

Frankly, you did a great job here. The animation was smooth, and the intentionally grainy effect makes it better visually.

Can't say too much good about it, but only because there isn't much there. Understandably it's only a test, but I also know people upload test animations simply to receive feedback.

There was no sound, I have no idea what language that was, and the quality was too low res. That just makes giving honest feedback a bit tough. It was hard to make out the actual images.

mukl5 responds:

i will upload higher resolution later.
the text on board are in Indonesian language.. means "don't urinate in this place except a dog"
thanks for your comment

It was pretty neat. I loved that this all turned out to be the lobster monster's nightmare, too. I thought that was a nice twist. (sorry for the spoilers, folks)

Pretty good animation, and it worked pretty well for what you were going for.

Good premise, but you didn't need the character to ask if those were razorblades. We, as the viewer, can see it was razerblades in the bag. Instead of asking, he probably should have shouted they were razorblades. It would have worked better.

Probably one of the better Madness animations I've seen. It wasn't just a bunch of pointless fighting. There was real tension, here. It felt more like a story, which was great.

Spaderz responds:

lol really?, thanks man!

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