View Profile vannila-guerilla

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2 problems in every one of your animations:

1) It's the same joke every time, usually involving something being inserted into another character anally.

2) It's on a loop.

In the most respectful way I can say it you need to break out of your mold and develop your sense of humor and add a play button. I don't mean any disrespect by any of this and I hope you take my criticism constructively.

FunkMation responds:

will do, thanks

Good, but falls into the same trap a lot of stop motion animation falls into: It's choppy and the camera has clearly been moved on various shots. First time, though? Great attempt.

While I'm turned off by the loop this was well done. A lot of effort went into these 5 seconds, and it shows. The table breaks, the glass breaks, and the clay figure has a realistic death. Nice from an artistic standpoint, but would have been nicer if you stuck with the project and made it longer.

thecalum666 responds:

It was for a competition so I had to limit it to 5 seconds

Reminds me of Ren and Stimpy's animation. Must have been an inspiration on your work.. Not bad, though. Like you said, short. A good chuckle, not a real sidesplitter, though.

Speedo responds:

Sure was, exaggerated faces, sharp, aggressive movements, the whole shabang, even the soundtrack lol

Would have been bettter without the loop and if Nyan Cat was in it a bit longer.

FunkMation responds:

Since hes the best, its only a guest appearance! :)

"Mrow" "I said mrowww!"

I lol'ed hard. good job. We need this caliber of work on NG still.

It wasn't very funny. I don't mean to sound like I'm being mean, but it feels like this was written by an immature 12 year old.

FunkMation responds:

obviously my animation skills have yet to pass puberty :)

Not really a parody. Then again, I can't complain too much. This video did deliver what it promised.

Watching the video I think it's pretty good.

I don't know if anyone else had this problem, but, an ad popped up during the video so I missed some of it. I did mute it, but couldn't see what was going on.

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