I get it, I'm e-begging. I need help though. Day after day I have to turn down jobs because I can't afford to move. I have no money to move with. I have barely any money right now. I have no job nor anyone to turn to except strangers. Please, help me if you can.
I've busted my ass off in college and did what I could to survive here. I had only my GI Bill to help me most of the time. Given that it's a small college town there is no place to really get employment here. The stuff there is is only part time and wouldn't even be enough to cover my rent, let alone enough to help me move.
Seriously, I have nothing, but I'm roughly 1/10 of the way there. If I get it moving won't be a problem for me. I only can rely on strangers right now. Click and donate if you can.
Sorry to hear that,I hope everything goes well.
I would donate but I'm short on cash.
Don't stress about it. I appreciate the concern, though.