How many speed draws, test animations, and stick figure fights to Dragon Ball Z sound effects do you really think we need?
I know these things have always flooded the portal, especially the stupid stick figure fights and test animations, but there aren't many quality uploads to counterbalance it. It gets even worse when all of these still somehow manage to pass judgement. I don't understand that.
I can understand your annoyance to them but you have to remember that everyone has to start somewhere and not everybody is confident in putting the final game or movie out there without some sort of feedback. It's a good way of finding out where you need to improve and whether or not people are actually going to like the finished product.
My advice is, if it's going to piss you off, don't watch it or play it and just remember, people will remember the ones who post nothing but tests and wont rate them highly if they don't put out a finished product :)
The biggest problem is that most of the time you can't tell it's a stick figure fight, or whatever, because they have misleading thumbnails uploaded that make the video look as if it may be of higher quality.
I don't watch them, but it also doesn't mean I think the portal should be flooded with these videos, either.